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Ravana being a rebel is
Ravana being a rebel is
Ravana being a rebel is
Source - Dictionary.com
Pronunciation - [ rah-vuh-nuh ]
Grammar – Noun
Adaptation - Sanskrit
Description - The king of asuras, ruler of Lanka, and killed by Rama in Ramayana.
Usage - "Ravana is evil and needs to be destroyed".
Ravana was rebellious by nature and contrary to present circumstances, the rebels were disregarded and considered troublesome.
In the contemporary however the scenarios have changed !
Let’s EXPLORE how the rebel archetype is understood
His being a rebel is DISREGARDED
His being a rebel is ACCEPTED
His being a rebel is ADORED

Through this archive, we see that Ravana is not just a 'thug' as commonly perceived. He is an intense character with depth that has now being used by educators and filmmakers in their contemporary premises.
Aristotle coined the term 'Hamartia' defining as the fatal flaw in a hero that leads to his downfall. A true hero is someone who accepts the complexities within his personality and outside and moves forward with them.
While Ravana was an inversion image of Rama, the protagonist of the Ramayana as commonly known, we see his character being majorly associated with the qualities of ego and anger which became his downfall.