In the history of the Ramayana, every character could be identified with an archetype but slowly and gradually with years, the association with a specific archetype has been dismantled and disintegrated into various characters being identified within various archetypes.
Through case studies and conversations, I observed that in the 21st century almost all the mythological characters in the Ramayana can be interpreted in different ways, making each of them a multi-layered character with different personalities. The same happens with the character Ravan.
Ravana is the chief antagonist in the Hindu Epic the Ramayana and its adaptations. He is widely considered to be a symbol of evil whereas in Sri Lanka he’s worshipped as a great ruler but as our socio-political scenario changes with the years, our understanding of him has also changed. His archetype of a rebel has been manipulated and re-interpreted by writers, educators, counsellors etc. and moulded in such a way that it makes sense in the present.
This archive as a resource helps facilitate people in understanding this re-interpretations and seeing how can archetype can be moulded and re-moulded.
Pallavi Baheti is currently pursuing her masters in Curatorial practices from Srishti Insitute of Art, Design, and Technology. She is passionate about learning new skills and networking with new people.