Keyword – Aspiration
Source - Dictionary.com
Pronunciation - [ kon-shuhs ]
Grammar – Adjective
Description – A goal strongly desired
Usage -
“With a will of iron, and a fiery ambition to succeed, Ravana leads his people from victory to victory and carves out a vast empire from the Devas.”
The writer Anand Neelkhant says that ‘There is much to learn from the life of Ravana’.
Quoting a conversation from his book when the great King Mahabali, advises Ravana to shun the other nine base emotions of anger; pride; Jealousy; happiness; sadness; fear; selfishness; passion, and ambition. Intellect alone is to be revered.
Title – Asura: Tale of the Vanquished: The story of Ravana and his People
Author – Anand Neelakantan
Genre – Mythic Fiction
Publication Date – 14 May 2012
Media Type – Book (Paperback, Hardcover)
Publishers – Leadstart Publishing
Description – This book is a work of fiction that depicts the tale of the Ramayana from the point of view Asuras (the defeated clan ).
“ History is written by the winners."
However in this book by Anand Neelakantan , the mythological fiction Ramayana is depicted from the view point of the Asura clan, the vanquished and we see narratives from the perspective of the character Ravana and a common Asura, Bhadra in first person.
While our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories through this book we see how only a single story about an epic could lead to critical misunderstanding.