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His being a rebel is adored.
This means we acknowledge and praise the character of Ravana mostly for his rebellion. More than just accepting him for who he is, we aspire to be like him to the point of starting to worship him.
When the rebelliousness of Ravana is adored it means that he is often associated with the qualities of being having an intellect and being ambitious. Writer Anand Neelkhant and the devotes of Dashanan Ravana temple in Kanpur, have adored the rebelliousness of the character Ravana in the contemporary context.
With respect to this interpretation being ambitious is represented by highlighting Ravana’s perseverance. According to mythology, Ravana is associated as the savior and ruler of Asuras (a clan). Through this perspective, his character is seen single-sighted in pursuing his goals such as being the saviors of the Asura clan and bringing their kingdom back to its glory, riches, and treasures.
With respect to this interpretation of having an intellect is represented by highlighting Ravana’s knowledge. According to mythology, Ravana is said to well-versed in the six Shastras and the four Vedas. Through the perspective of being a profound scholar, we see the character being worshipped as opposed to commonly being disregarded.
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